Give the World a Hug Charity Auction

Location | The World !
Starting on International Hug Day, 23rd January 2023.
This is a call to action to help raise funds for Charities that focus on
supporting individuals through loneliness, culminating with an auction
of either clothing or artistic creations on the Hug theme, donated
to the cause by celebrities and artists.
Débutant le 23 Janvier 2023, la journée Mondiale des solitudes.
Ceci est un appel à l’action pour aider à amasser des fonds pour des organismes caritatifs
qui se concentrent sur l’accompagnement des individus contre la solitude, culminant avec une vente aux enchères de créations artistiques sur le thème Hug, offerts à la cause par des célébrités et des artistes.



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There are many charities that focus on combating loneliness and desperately require funds to continue their work.


There are many charities that focus on combating loneliness and desperately require funds to continue their work.

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