GTWAHug Baby sock pattern FR.

GTWAHug Baby sock pattern FR.

NOTES : Ces chaussettes sont tricotées à plat en commençant par la semelle et sont ensuite cousues pour leur donner leurs formes. La broderie est facultative et vous pouvez choisir de suivre les grilles LOVE et HUG avant de coudre les bords et le talon de votre...

GTWAHug Baby sock pattern ENG.

PATTERN NOTES:These socks are knitted flat and sewn together. The embroidery is optional and you can chose to follow the LOVE or HUG charts before sewing the edges of your sock shut. These very easy slip-ons madeleine socks are knitted in a DK weight yarn and fits a...

Des réponses à vos questions – The cost of helping

Le coût de l’aide FR : L’un de nos lecteurs nous a récemment contacté à propos de notre vente aux enchères caritative en ligne et du coût de la formation d’un bénévole : Voici la réponse très gentillement donnée par SOS Amitié : La mission de SOSA...
Dignity in Dying

Dignity in Dying

UK:   Our Grandfather, Derrick, had a good long life, full of adventure, sailing, opera and fine whisky.  In his late 80s, when his future with an illness looked too bleak and no longer something he could suave his way through, he decided to sell or donate all that he...
Hug Art – Dino Card

Hug Art – Dino Card

UK: Do you remember our self-hugging dino image from last time? “Speaking of cards, here is an image of a Dinosaur hugging itself that I found in my sink! (creativity can come from anywhere). From this, I shall be making a watercolour card this week …. Follow its new...