Thanks to our community get-togethers last year, I met a member of the Monthevoy Choir.
Through our blossoming friendship, I had the privilege of supporting the choir by knitting a red heart for each member to wear at their Sunday afternoon performance for the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Charity.
The church where the concert took place was full and each singer, wearing a red heart on their chest, brought a meaningful touch of colour to their outfits.
It was a very moving event! We were priviledged to listen to stories from the charity members and hear about the children’s successful heart operations and recovery.
By getting to know new people and getting involved with your community, you can find yourself showing you care in a way that brings you and others joy. What a blessing!
If you would like to knit some heart brooches for yourself or for others, the pattern is now available on our website in English and French #randomactofkindness
Should you wish to get involved or want to organise a “Flash-Hug” event yourself, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: