Hug Art – Dino Card

Hug Art – Dino Card

UK: Do you remember our self-hugging dino image from last time? “Speaking of cards, here is an image of a Dinosaur hugging itself that I found in my sink! (creativity can come from anywhere). From this, I shall be making a watercolour card this week …. Follow its new...
Blooming Heart

Blooming Heart

Blooming Heart UK: Spring Flowers and Sending a Hug Our work bears fruit, or as it might be flowers! 😉The heart in the heart of our village has started to bloom. We have made a lovely video to celebrate this bloomy marvellous stage of Spring. “ The bank curved under...
17th Feb – Random Act of Kindness

17th Feb – Random Act of Kindness

UK:  What is an act of kindness: According to the Mental Health Foundation it can be:“ ✓ Offer to cook for a friend or family member. ✓ Make a cup of tea for a friend or family member. ✓ Help with a household chore at home or for a friend. ✓ Host an informal...
15th Feb – Helpline awareness day

15th Feb – Helpline awareness day

FR: -15 Février – Journée de sensibilisation à la ligne d’assistance   Pour ceux d’entre vous qui trouvent cette période de l’année difficile à traverser, il existe de nombreuses lignes d’assistance téléphonique que vous pouvez appeler...